SOM Research Lab

Our topics

Our research falls in the broad field of Software Engineering, with a specialization on the following topics
Go to Model-Driven Engineering

Model-Driven Engineering

Go to Software Analysis

Software Analysis

Go to Formal Methods

Formal Methods

Go to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence


Software runs all systems in the world. Models dominate the software.
Software and

SOM (Catalan word to say "We are") is a research team located at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) in the wonderful area of Barcelona

We are interested in the broad area of systems and software engineering, especially promoting the rigorous use of software models and engineering principles in all software engineering tasks while keeping an eye on the most unpredictable element in any project: the people involved in it.

Contributions are always welcome. We look forward to work with software companies to learn more about their real problems and needs (hopefully, to later come back with a suitable solution!).


Robert Clarisó

Team Leader – Associate Professor

David Bañeres


Abel Gómez

Sergio Morales

Research Engineer & PhD Student

Juan Antonio Gómez Gutiérrez

PhD student

Sergio Cobos

Research Engineer

Jorge Martín Villafruela

Research Engineer

Adem Ait

External Collaborator

Salvador Martínez

External Collaborator